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What does the content creation process involve?

Do you need high-quality website content? Want it to sell? We will help you! Our company creates unique content that works in the right direction for your business! A professional approach to writing texts, a careful study of the customer’s work area and the characteristics of the target audience allow us to create texts that make you want to buy!

Writing a short article involves serious work as a copywriter. From receiving an order to the release of a quality article in the virtual space, many important stages go through.

1) Collection of information, and analysis of requests.

At this stage, the author thoroughly studies the topic and business niche, compiles a semantic core and processes the received information. Analyzes statistics based on regional features of the customer’s business. Selects the most important keys for the article, page and its placement.

2) Analysis of the target audience.

Any text is written for the reader. Analysis of the target audience for writing is necessary so that the content works “in the apple”. At this stage, the peculiarities of lifestyle, language, professional terminology, areas of interest and everything that is needed for the text to be understandable, and useful and develop the need of the target audience to own the product being sold (to receive the offered service) are studied.

3) Creating a text plan.

Based on the collected material, a plan for the future article is being developed. This is the foundation, the key function of which is to structure the text, create its basis and include all the necessary information in the content.

4) Creating a draft.

At this stage, a draft version of the text is written, and key requests are succinctly entered.

5) Creation of headings and subheadings.

Although the topic of the article is determined when the order is received, “working” headlines are created at the end of its writing. Based on the received text, ideas formulated in the text analyzed the needs of the target audience and scanned features of the business sphere.

6) Editing and proofreading.

This is the final stage, at which the copywriter “polishes” the article to a mirror shine. The article should be competent, unique, accessible and working. That’s when it will become your tool for raising the site in search engines and increasing its conversion.

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